A Season of Change- Setting Goals

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In setting goals for the next year, remember that your goals should be SMART:

1. Specific– A general goal would be to, “Get out of debt.” A specific goal would be to, “Pay off one credit card.” We have a much better chance of reaching our goals if they are specific.

2. Measurable– If someone wants to get in shape physically in the coming year, a measurable goal could be to, “Lose ten pounds by March.” If you can measure your progress, there will be no question about when the goal is met.

3. Actionable– A goal is actionable when I am willing to take the steps that are needed to make it happen. Am I willing to pay the price? Losing ten pounds is only attainable if I am determined to start an exercise regimen and watch my diet. Goals will only be reached if we take action.

4. Realistic– If your goal is, “To earn $100,000 this year,” that is probably not very realistic if you currently only earn minimum wage and just work thirty hours a week. It might be more realistic to look at what you earned last year, and then consider how much you could make if you worked more hours or got a second job.

5. Timely– What is your time frame for reaching your goal? A year is a great time frame to work within. You can break the year down into months, quarters, or thirds depending on what you want to accomplish. When you set a date that you want to accomplish your goal by, you establish a deadline in your subconscious that helps push you towards it.

Have you started setting your goals for next year yet?

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