Can You See It? Keys to Living Your Best Life

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Photo courtesy of Siri Hakala, NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC
Photo courtesy of Siri Hakala, NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC

Do you have a vision for your life? What would your best life look like? The reality is, our best life does not just happen. Author and pastor Pete Wilson says,”There is a life that most of us dream of living. Chances are you won’t drift into that life.” What are some ways that you can begin to live your best life?

1. Have a Vision. Having a vision is what gets us from where we are now to where we want to be. A vision forms a bridge to take people from the present towards the future that they desire for themselves. A personal vision for one’s life is developed as they thinks about the kind of life they want.

It is always best to write these ideas down. What do I want my life to look like in five years? Ten years? What kind of job do I want to have? How much money do I want to be making? What does my family look like? Where do I want to live? There is a real power in writing our vision for our life down. Writing it down serves to make it real. Putting it on paper has taken it from the theoretical and made it tangible. Now we can see it in front of us.

2. Create Goals. Goals become the building blocks that take a person towards their vision. Goals allow a person to measure their progress. By setting clearly defined goals, we can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. Goals also allow us to see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind.

If your vision is to own a home within the next five years, what is it going to take to get there? What are the steps that you can take to put yourself in a position to buy a house? If a person has a vision to be get promoted at work, what are some things that they can do to make themselves a more valuable candidate? If someones vision is to be out of debt within five years, what are the steps that they can take towards that goal? The only way that we will see our visions come true is by building a bridge from where we are now to our vision. The goals we establish are that bridge. If you would like to read more about setting goals, check out this post that I wrote on that subject.

3. Look at the Vision and Goals Regularly. Our personal vision for our life should be posted somewhere that we can see it regularly. At least once a day, it should be reviewed and meditated on. If I do not review it at regular intervals, it becomes very easy for me to fall back into my old way of doing things. If our personal vision is important to us, we need to put it some place where we are reminded of it regularly. 

A person without a vision is, in many ways, a person without a future. The person without a future will always return to the their past. Take the time to create a vision for your life. Life is too short to live in mediocrity. Create the life that you really want!

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