How is Your Balance?

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Bicycles on a Tightrope

In Brazil, it is not uncommon for many churches to close down for a couple of weeks at Christmas and New Year. It is the middle of the Summer here and many people schedule their vacations around the holidays. C3 Curitiba shut down for the two weeks of Christmas and New Year. This was the first service of 2014 and launched our series, “The Balanced Life.” My incredible translator was my good friend, Gustavo Trinidade. You can watch the message here.

What is your plan for each of these areas this year? Do you have a plan for your fitness? What about your mental and emotional health and well-being? Do you have a plan for your spiritual life? All of us are well-meaning and have good intentions. If we don’t have a life plan, however, these good intentions don’t mean anything!

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