Tips on Living Better, Longer- Part Two

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4. Learn to Manage Stress. Stress is a killer. We often think in terms of eliminating stress but this is unrealistic. It is much more realisitic to talk about managing stress. I discuss this in more detail here. If we learn to manage life’s stresses, we will find that we are becoming a much stronger human being. Stress is one of those things that can make us or break us. One of the greatest tools that we can use to combat stress is that of excercise. As we mentioned in Part One, for some people, this might just mean a brisk walk. For others, it might mean a bike ride or working out with weights. If this becomes a habit, however, it will likely also become a great stresss manager.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. In the article that I referred to in Part One, the author noted that almost 40% of Americans are obese. Unfortunately, many of these folks only hang out with other obese people. There is a reason that groups like Weight Watchers are so successful. They educate their clients on how to lose weight safely. While education is important, Weight Watchers also creates a positive atmosphere in which people cheer each other on as they lose weight and become healthier. Many local gyms and health clubs provide a positive atmosphere in which people support each other in their quest to become more healthy. An example of this is C3 Fitness, just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. They do a great job of creating a positive environment where people can come, exercise, and be encouraged. Their goal is to help their members, “Live Your Best Life.” There are plenty of other support groups out there if one is just willing to look.

6. Get Started! Half of the battle towards making lifestyle changes is getting started. Why don’t you pick one or two things that you can do this week to improve your quality of life? Take that walk in the park, join a gym and actually go work out, start eliminating fast food, find a support group, find a friend that is looking to drop a few pounds as well and commit to helping each other.

What are you going to change? I would love to hear what you are going to do differently!

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