What Do You Have?

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Wine, loaves of bread and fresh fish in an old basket

But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish!” (Matthew 14:17)

This story has to be one of the most famous in the Bible. Jesus feeds this huge crowd with five loaves of bread and two fish. I love the fact that before Jesus performs the miracle, He asks the disciples what they have. Notice, He does not ask them what they don’t have.

Thank God that He does not look at our lack of:

1. Money

2. Education

3. Bible knowledge

4. Experience

Thank God that He does not look at the size of our church or mailing list. He doesn’t look at the fact that we did not grow up in a Christian home. God does not care about the things that we do not have. He does, however, want us to look at what we do have.

It may not be a lot.

It may not be the best.

It may not be the newest.

When we put what we do have in God’s hands, He is able to do miracles. Miracles almost always involve God’s super and our natural working together. Paul told the Ephesian Christians that God’s resources were “glorious” and “unlimited.” The one thing that we all been given is a measure of is faith. Jesus said that we could move mountains with it, see the sick healed with it, and see our prayers answered through faith.

What do you have that God wants to use to help others?

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