Where Do You Want to Go?

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“Are you more afraid of staying where you are now, or are you more afraid of taking the hard steps to get to where you really want to be?” Al Pittampalli

This is such a good question for all of us to ponder. Are we happy where we are? Maybe you are. There is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, maybe you are tired of where you are. You know you want to live a bigger, more fulfilling life.

At the end of 2015, what would you like to have seen change in your life? In other words, in twelve months or so, what would you like to look back on having accomplished? What would it take to get from where you are now to where you want to be? What would that journey look like?

Maybe you are looking for a career change.

Maybe you would like to drop a couple of pant sizes.

Maybe you are wanting to get out from under the mountain of debt that is enslaving you.

Maybe 2015 is the year for you to buy your first home.

You might be struggling with something spiritual. You may feel that God is calling you to become more active in your local church. Maybe you sense God calling you to re-locate to another country to help build His Kingdom. You may be wrestling with a feeling that God wants you to increase your level of giving to your church.

The danger for all of us to suppress that little voice that is challenging us to step out of our comfort zone. Why don’t you get a piece of paper or create a file on your computer or phone. Write down three things that you would like to focus on over the next twelve months. For each of the three things you write down, put two or three steps under each one to help you get there.

For example, maybe you want to lose some weight. What are three steps you can take, and actually will take, to make that happen? Your three steps might include eliminating soft drinks from your diet, exercising three or four times a week, counting your calories for a couple of days to see how much you are taking in, drinking more water, and packing a healthy lunch to take to work instead of going to McDonald’s.

Small steps eventually add up. If you are willing to take a couple of small steps, you will be rewarded when you step on the scales or when you have to buy smaller clothes. If you read through those steps and mentally started making excuses, don’t be surprised that you don’t reach your goal. Without a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, in twelve months, you will be right where you are now.

What is one thing you want to see change in your life? What are you willing to do to make it happen?

Annie and I are serving the Lord in Brazil. Your financial support is allowing us to impact many lives. If you would like to get involved, please click here. Obrigado!



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